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Arlington Meditation provides a guide for you

to find Truth within and go to the land of Truth within while living.


We are now offering

one-on-one free introductory sessions in person and online via Zoom

on weekdays at 2 & 3 PM ET and every Saturday at 3 PM ET by appointment only!


At Arlington Meditation, we want to make sure that every student understands the method clearly.

When you register and begin, we will guide your meditation step-by-step and patiently work with you.

Just like at the beginning of anything that you do for the first time,

you just need a little bit of patience to allow yourself to get used to it.

In a very short time, you will begin to open your mind a little more and feel more happy and free.

If you need more information, 
Please contact us.

5655 Columbia Pike #200

Falls Church, VA 22041

Phone: 703-354-8071

Text    : ‪571-354-0875‬

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